2024-08-22 18:00:32

Yes, Anylogic provides the option to save datasets in Excel or CSV files after running an experiment. You can use the following code to achieve this:


// Create dataset object Dataset myData = new Dataset();

// Add data to the dataset

myData.add("Column1", value1); myData.add("Column2", value2); myData.add("Column3", value3);

// Save the dataset as an Excel file myData.exportToExcel(getProject().getWorkspacePath("results/data.xlsx"));

// Save the dataset as a CSV file myData.exportToCSV(getProject().getWorkspacePath("results/data.csv"));

In this code, we first create a dataset object named "myData." We then add data to this dataset object using the "add" method. In the example above, we are adding three columns of data to the dataset.

Once we have added our data, we can use the "exportToExcel" or "exportToCSV" methods to save the dataset as an Excel or CSV file, respectively.

In the code above, we are saving the dataset as an Excel file named "data.xlsx" in a folder named "results" located in the Anylogic project workspace. We are also saving the dataset as a CSV file named "data.csv" in the same folder.

Note that the "getProject().getWorkspacePath" method is used to get the workspace path of the Anylogic project. This method returns a string representing the path to the project's workspace, which we use to specify the location to save our Excel and CSV files.



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