Chips are an important component in Angular Material 7 that are used to represent complex entities such as tags, contacts, tasks, etc. Chips are basically small, interactive elements that display a set of information or an action that can be performed. They are a good choice for data visualization and input, wherein the user can select or remove a particular chip as per their requirements.
Angular Material 7 chips are extremely versatile and provide a wide range of customization options like colors, shapes, styles, and animations. They can also be made interactive using various events like click, mouseover, etc. Chips display the name of the entity along with an icon, an avatar, or an image to create a visual hierarchy and help users easily identify them. They can also display additional information like a badge or a progress indicator that provides more context and helps the user to understand the state of the entity.
Chips can be used in many different scenarios like a form that requires to select multiple options, an email client that requires adding contacts to a compose window, and even in navigation menus to represent a user's history. Overall, Angular Material 7 chips are an essential component that provides a great user experience and allows developers to create engaging UI/UX designs. 免责声明:本文内容通过AI工具匹配关键字智能整合而成,仅供参考,火山引擎不对内容的真实、准确或完整作任何形式的承诺。如有任何问题或意见,您可以通过联系service@volcengine.com进行反馈,火山引擎收到您的反馈后将及时答复和处理。