The Angular Material 7 Paginator is a component in the Angular Material library that provides pagination functionality to a table or list of items. It allows you to break large data sets into smaller, more manageable pages and provides controls to navigate between pages.
To use the paginator, you first need to import it from the @angular/material
package and add it to your component's module. You can then add the paginator to your table or list by including the mat-paginator
directive in your HTML template.
Here's an example of using the paginator with a mat-table
In this example, myDataSource
is the data source for the table, and the paginator is configured to show 10 items per page. You can also configure other properties of the paginator, such as the number of pages to show, by adding additional attributes to the mat-paginator
The paginator also provides events that you can listen for in your component code, such as page
and pageSize
. These events allow you to update your data source as the user interacts with the paginator.
Overall, the Angular Material 7 Paginator is a powerful and flexible component that can greatly improve the usability of large tables and data sets in your application. 免责声明:本文内容通过AI工具匹配关键字智能整合而成,仅供参考,火山引擎不对内容的真实、准确或完整作任何形式的承诺。如有任何问题或意见,您可以通过联系service@volcengine.com进行反馈,火山引擎收到您的反馈后将及时答复和处理。