The Angular PrimeNG Paginator component displays rows of data and provides a mechanism for navigating through all or a subset of the data. The Paginator component takes two input properties:
The rows input property determines how many rows are displayed on each page. The user can then navigate through the pages using the Paginator's built-in navigation buttons.
The totalRecords input property determines the total number of records in the data set. This is used to calculate the total number of pages in the data set. The Paginator then displays the current page number and the total number of pages.
Here is an example of using the PrimeNG Paginator component:
This Paginator component displays 10 rows per page and has a total of 100 records. If there are more than 10 records, the user can navigate through the pages to view the rest of the records. 免责声明:本文内容通过AI工具匹配关键字智能整合而成,仅供参考,火山引擎不对内容的真实、准确或完整作任何形式的承诺。如有任何问题或意见,您可以通过联系service@volcengine.com进行反馈,火山引擎收到您的反馈后将及时答复和处理。